[Solved] No python interpreter configured for the project' in PyCharm.

In any stage, while doing python programming in Pycharm, we can encounter this error - “No python interpreter configured for this project.”

This error usually occurs when you are programming in Python and particularly using PyCharm IDE. To solve this error first you have to know what is Python and PyCharm.

Python is an interpreter that can be used to execute the python code

PyCharm is an integrated development environment used in computer programming, especially for the Python programming language(though other languages are also supported) that can display the output of your python programs in the console with the help of the installed python interpreter. PyCharm provides some best features to its users and developers in the following aspects.

Now let’s come back to the solution.

Step 1: In the PyCharm window you can see the option of “Configure Python Interpreter” in the upper right corner.


Step 2: Click on this "Configure python interpreter" option. A settings window will appear in which the project interpreter will open.

You can also open a Project interpreter from the File option.

Go to File -> Settings -> Project -> Project Interpreter.

Step 3: In the “Project Interpreter” menu, you will get an option of selecting the project interpreter. I have a Python 3.6 project interpreter option because I am working with Python 3.6. Sometimes, there will be no option for a project interpreter. The reason can be either you have not installed python or your PyCharm is unable to locate a valid Python interpreter.

Step 4: Sometmies, you will not see a python interpretor in the dropdown, which means we need to guide pyhcharm on where the python interpreter is installed. To solve for this problem you can simply click on the “gear icon”.

Step 5: Click on “Add”.

Step 6: After this click on the “Existing Environment”.

Step 7: Then click on the “triple-dot” icon to locate python on your computer.

Note: You can follow the above steps only if you have installed python on your computer.

Step 8: If you don’t have Python then download and install it.

Now how to download and install python?

You will find the home page of python.org. Here click on “Download Python 3.6.5” to download python.

Download the python interpreter and install it.

Step 9: 90% of the times, a python interpreter can be located automatically as was in my case. If you are able to find the python interpreter option in the dropdown, select and click on it.

Step 10: Click on the “Apply” button.

Step 11: Click “Ok”.

Now you can see that error is gone and you can happily work with your pycharm.

Step 12: After this, run any of your programs and the corresponding output will show up in the console.

I hope this article was helpful and you were able solve your error. Happy Coding!

You can also watch the following video if any of the above-mentioned steps are unclear. I am 100% sure that you will be able to solve error after following the instructions given in this article.