5 Best Python IDEs to Use in 2020

Firstly, we should know why one should use an IDE(Integrated Development Environment). The reasons behind using an IDE are:

But when we move to the problem of finding the best IDEs for programming, we should be aware of both the advantages and disadvantages of each IDE so that we can use the proper IDE in a proper way and in the proper place. So let's discuss the 5 best IDEs:

1. PyCharm

PyCharm is one of the most popular Python IDEs. There are a lot of reasons for this, one of those is the fact that it is developed by JetBrains, the company behind the successful IntelliJ IDEA IDE (which is one of the big 3 of Java IDEs) and also the “smartest JavaScript IDE” WebStorm.

Note: PyCharm is Memory Intensive and its initial set-up can be time-consuming especially when you are using a slow computer.

 2. Spyder

Spyder is an open-source cross-platform IDE where Python is pre-installed within the IDE. For programmers who want interactive environments working in the fields of Data Science, engineering, and scientific research, Spyder is the best platform.

Note: Spyder is not very customizable and it’s very basic than its counterparts (like PyCharm). Hence, it is recommended for beginners, to use an IDE which provides better options and coding experience.

3. Jupyter Notebook

Jupyter Notebook is an open-sourced web-based application that allows you to create and share documents containing live code, equations, visualizations, and narrative text.

Note: Jupyter Notebook is complex for running long asynchronous tasks and its installation process is a bit complex while working with remote servers.

4. JupyterLab

The new version of JupyterLab provides a great development environment for Data Scientists. Beyond the beautiful layout, JupiterLab allows you to create your own extensions and add additional features.

Note: JupyterLab does not provide a convenient file explorer view when developing code so, reading and writing files become clumsy. Testing and modularity are sometimes difficult to handle within JupyterLab.

5. VS Code(Virtual Studio Code)

Developed and maintained by the Microsoft, VS Code is one of the most stable IDEs. It has an IntelliSense which enables completion of codes based on variable types, functions, and imported modules.

Note: Similar to all other electron apps, VSCode's memory, and battery usage is pretty bad. But overall, we can suggest VS Code is the most stable IDE among all.

There are a lot of other IDEs as well like Visual Studio Community, Pydev, etc. Some programmers also prefer to use basic code editors like Sublime, atom, or notepad++ along with their favorite set of plugins. Hope this article gave you a solid understanding of which IDE to use when and which IDE is good for you. 

Have a great day and happy coding!